Vientiane In One Day

During out time in Laos we enjoyed being in smaller towns and having a realxing time and didn’t leave much time to check out the captial, Vientiane. We only had one day to explore the city and we sure made the most of it!

First up was a visit to Wat Sit Saket, Vientianes oldest temple. This one was a joy to wander around due to the hundreds (probably thousands) of mini buddha statues lining the walls of the complex. It was interesting to wander through and have a look through all the little nooks and crannies.


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Adventures On The Nam Song River

Our next stop on our trip through Laos was Vang Vieng. Made famous (or infamous depending how you look at it) over the years for its tubing down the Nam Song River, we were interested to see what it was like. According to all the guidebooks and blog posts, the tubing scene was now non existant but that didnt stop hordes of people flocking there.


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The Long Way to Luang Prabang

After three short days in Chiang Mai it was time to say goodbye to Thailand and head over the border to Laos. There are several ways to do this (18 hour bus or a flight) but we decided to take the boat. This meant we had to catch a 6 hour minivan ride from Chiang Mai to Chang Khong at the Thai Border. We spent the night here in a tiny little wooden cabin before getting up bright and early to get a tuk tuk to the border crossing. A few forms and a couple of queues later – we had arrived in Laos!

That wasn’t the long part of the journey, that part was waiting for us when we boarded the “Slow Boat”, so named because it takes two days to cruising along the Mekong River to reach Laos. The first day was really fun, we had a table seat and it was sunny so was the perfect comfortable journey to sit and watch the scenery go by. We were only on there for about 5 hours before we arrived in Pak Beng. A tiny village on the side of the Mekong that caters to Slow Boat tourists. We walked the main street which took about 10 minutes before settling in at a bar to have our first Beer Lao.


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