
Hey! I’m Bronnie Grace – welcome to my little part of the internet world.



This blog is dedicated to the experiences in my life. From my adventures exploring London, my recommendations of places to eat and drink, to my trips abroad from the UK in my effort to travel as much as the big wide world as I can. So far so good – but the list is never ending!

I am a twenty-something Aussie currently residing in London. Monday to Friday I am a Communications and Public Affairs Associate but its really the weekends and holidays that excite me. That’s my chance to eat (oh how I love food) at great places, visit exhibits or pop ups, and explore places across London.

The holidays are for spreading my wings further afield to Europe (sometimes further!) and doing as much sightseeing and taking is as much culture as I can.

Eat Well Travel Often is my life philosophy. When I say ‘Eat Well’ I mean enjoy it! Try new foods in different countries, visit that pop up everyone is talking about, go back to your favorite place to have the same dish, pig out on mac and cheese if you want to. Sure, keep it healthy too but this blog is not about quinoa and kale.

Travel Often speaks for itself, but I don’t just only mean travel abroad. There is so much that you can see and do in your own backyard or a short distance away. You’ve just got to get up off the couch and out of the house and go exploring.

My partner in crime is my talented photographer boyfriend James as well as the many friends I have found along the way.


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